邵美琪 郑浩南 林雪 黄德斌 刘锦玲
窗中的女巫(台) 窗前的女巫 The Vermont House
鬼娃孽种 娃鬼怪婴 鬼娃新娘之鬼娃也有种 Child's Play 5
猎人的夜晚 暗夜寻宝 雾夜惊魂
David Arquette Courteney Cox Jaime King Lukas Haas Thomas Jane
Erin Brown Justin Brown Amy Bullard John Bullard Jerry Byrd Brad Cooney Qilin Dai Michael Dennin Morgan Gates Steve Gonsalves Walter Grayson Jeanette Harper Mary Alice Hydrick Alice Jackson Ilene Jones
恐怖录像带2 S-VHS
Emily Mogilner Connor Powles Danielle Ronald Max Arlott Bruno Cryan Kathi DeCouto Kyle Jordan 奥利弗·梅森 史蒂芬·莫瑞 Fyn Phoenixx 凯莉·里安·桑松 Danielle Scott Karolina Ugrenyuk Amanda Jane York
窃窃尸语 Among the Living The Nightshifter
丹尼尔不是真实的 鬼相伴
凶柜 阴橱 壁橱 The Closet
Spirit: The Beginning of Fear hun : gong-po-eui si-jak
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